Tag Archives: Documenting

Going 35 mm !

I’m taking advantage of this little free time to write to you from Don Mueang airport in Bangkok. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything on this Blog and I apologise for that. You’ve even missed my usual last post of the year with my best photos of 2023! I’ll try to do a little post on that, just to show you some of my work over the last few months. I haven’t been idle, even if I haven’t shared anything with you. For those who are interested, I’ve posted a slideshow on YouTube. Continue reading Going 35 mm !

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Holiday Part 1

The children have officially been on holiday for a week now. Joachim has already been on holiday since mid-June … In any case, Gwen and I are also on holiday with the kids for 3 weeks (only two left after this first week). We took the opportunity to spend this first week in the west of the island. A friend was kind enough to rent us his house while he was away. The house has direct access to the beach. You should know that Réunion Island is in the southern hemisphere and that July and August mean winter here. Ok southern winter, but winter all the same…

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Macron, you’re a disgrace to Ricoeur !

For those who don’t know, Paul Ricoeur is a French philosopher. Macron, the French president, says that it was Ricoeur who made him want to enter politics. Myth or reality? What is certain is that Macron was close to him when he wrote his last book “Memory, History and Oblivion”. I’m not going to say more than that because I don’t know him very well and when you know that I got 06/20 in philosophy at the baccalaureate, you won’t want to see me debating on the subject… This photo was taken during the last strike against the pension reform. That’s what’s interesting about such events. People use a lot of imagination for the occasion. I stopped and googled Macron and Ricoeur to get the message…



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Old school Street Photography

It’s been a while since I’ve been on YouTube to see videos about Street Photography. It’s also been a while since Tim Huynh, one of the craziest Vloger, published anything. His latest video is about the last Italian Street Photography Festival. An uncompromising review of the finalists’ photos and also of the winners. You can see the video here. It gave me a chance to see what’s currently going on in Street Photography.


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Photos that question

This photo was taken today in the rue Maréchal Leclerc, where I spend most of my time. When I look at this photo, there are elements that make me think that this photo will surely be among my best photos of 2022. I know it’s a bit early to be talking about this as we’re just passing the first third of this year. What makes a good photo for me? As I said in the title of this Blog, it is a photo that questions the viewer. I went through my archives of the last few years and I pulled out a few to support my point.

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Life update: since the middle of last week, we have been spending a few days by the sea with our feet in the water. A friend rents us his house and we know the place well because it is the third time that we go there during the holidays. On the other hand, it is the first time that we stay there during the summer. One thing is clear, it is super hot … Not in the house itself, but on the beach.

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Going Wild !

So far, the only photos I have shared with you from Reunion Island were either photos of the city of Saint-Denis or photos of the beach. We spend a lot of time at the beach because my kids love it and we go there almost every vacation. Moreover, even in winter, we like to spend a little time in the west of the island at the lagoon. This year again, we went to spend a week at La Saline with our feet in the water. I had started to write a Blog about the beginning of the children’s holidays but I put it in the trash because I was tired of always sharing pictures of beaches with you. However, here are some of the ones made last week. (I’m not with a contradiction …)
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Feel the city

You’ve found your groove! That’s what John Harper has been telling me for some time. I’ve been on Reunion Island for 18 months and it’s true that I’ve come a long way since I started documenting the streets of Saint-Denis. I know from experience that it always takes some time to feel comfortable in the streets. It seems to me that it had taken a little longer in Aix-en-Provence. Normal because I was new to Street Photography.
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Messing around with water

We were at my parents house for lunch and of course the children were lobotomizing in front of their small screens. We put an end to this and asked them to stop for a while to go and freshen up their heads in my parents large garden. It’s complicated because this generation grew up with smartphones, tablets, screens … Some parents outright ban screens to their children. I don’t really believe this is the solution. We try to control their consumption by limiting their screen time. But that day, we had made an exception by allowing them to bring their tablets and phones. What is reassuring is that they can still spend more time playing outside in the garden, riding a scooter in front of the house or spending hours in the swimming pool. It is not yet desperate …
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Overcome boredom

I have the impression of reliving what I have already experienced in Aix-en-Provence. Something like déja vu … I started to see boredom coming last month. When you find it hard to motivate yourself to go out and take pictures because your eyes can’t see anything anymore and you feel that the streets are boring to death and you only have one desire, to escape, to go elsewhere because that it is well known: the grass is greener elsewhere. I had already experienced this in Aix-en-Provence when I started Street Photography. I went regularly to Marseille, the big city next door, for a little exoticism and rediscover the pleasure of taking photos.
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