Tag Archives: Black & White

Used Fujifilm X100F to sell …

Do you think it’s a joke that I’m doing a Blog because I’m so uninspired? Not really. This week I put up for sale my X100F that I bought just 3 months ago. Quite an investment for me back in the day – €890 for a second-hand camera! I’m putting it back up for sale at €750, negotiable if you know anyone who might be interested. I’ve been trying for weeks, but I still can’t get used to the size and weight of the camera. As far as image quality is concerned, I have nothing to complain about  this Fujifilm. It’s a very good camera, but it’s heavy!


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35 mm vs 28 mm

This is street! Pretentious, some might say. But I can live with that. This recent photo has all the ingredients I love about street photography. The same gestures repeated. A moment captured with a certain energy. I took this photo last Saturday and it’s good for me because it makes me forget my rather low-key start to the year so far.


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Seems that 2024 hasn’t started yet …

In 15 days it’ll already be April and I’ve got this strange feeling that 2024 hasn’t even started yet… It’s true that I was off to a flying start with this trip to Thailand. The trip was a photographic orgy. Both Street and more personal photos. If I’m honest, I miss that period, but apart from being called John Harper and wandering all over the world from Las Vegas to Turkey via Venice, I have to admit that this kind of escapade is impossible for me! So I’m teasing my dear John. It was a reference to his last Blog where he talked about this very subject. I invite you to go and read it here. As usual, it’s full of great photos. By the way, John is still on his way to Las Vegas and has already planned to meet other photographers on a forthcoming trip.


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First steps with the Fujifilm X100F

I guess I’m always going against the grain! I’m writing a blog about the Fujifilm X100F just as the X100 VI is scheduled for release on the 20th of February. The announced price is enough to make you jump: between €1600 and €1700! Much more expensive than the X100V … Oh yes, you have to pay for the 40 MP! The good thing about this is that it’s going to make a mockery of all those profiteers who have the nerve to sell their second-hand Fujifilm X100 V for more than €1,500! Yes, I’m well aware that it’s a question of supply and demand. But I’m a bit annoyed by this kind of behaviour. In any case, I chose the Fujifilm X100F because it was a relatively recent camera. I mean, it came out in 2017.

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Back to normal

The almost 3 weeks I spent in Thailand were a Street photography parenthesis. In fact, my “Street Photo” year ended on 27th of  December 2023 and the new year didn’t start until 15th of January 2024. There are a lot of photos of Thailand that I like. It’s not the exotic side, but you have to admit that the streets of Thailand have a lot more to offer than the streets of my home town of Saint-Denis. As I’ve often said, we ‘street photographers’ are dependent on what the street has to offer. There have to be people, activity, the unexpected… In short, a whole host of things that we try as hard as we can to organise within a frame. In Thailand, whether in Bangkok, Chiang Mai or Phuket, everything came together. Wherever I went, there was raw material to work with. I think that’s the case in any big city. It’s no coincidence that the greatest street photographers come from the biggest cities… Below are a few photos from Thailand that I haven’t shared and that I find interesting.

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GEAR matters !

I’ve been talking about Gear in my articles for several Blogs now. The thing is, I’ve written so much about Street Photography since 2016 that I sometimes feel like I’m repeating myself. A bit normal, you might say, for a Blog that is essentially focused on Street Photography. If I’ve written a lot on this subject, it’s because this Blog was a bit of a diary about my journey and my beginnings in the practice. For several years now, long before I left Aix-en-Provence, I hadn’t had much to say about Street Photography. I’ve reached a stage where I don’t really ask myself any more questions. I just take photos and that’s that. That’s probably why I talk more about Gear now.
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35 mm Street Photography

I’m finishing this blog as our stay in Thailand draws to a close. Back to square one in Bangkok to catch our return flight to Reunion Island where a tropical storm awaits us! We’re hoping to get home before the airport closes for 48 hours… I was going to take one last trip to Kaohsan Road this evening, but the children are too tired and so I’ll pass. Too bad ! I’ll have to come back to Bangkok!

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Going 35 mm !

I’m taking advantage of this little free time to write to you from Don Mueang airport in Bangkok. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything on this Blog and I apologise for that. You’ve even missed my usual last post of the year with my best photos of 2023! I’ll try to do a little post on that, just to show you some of my work over the last few months. I haven’t been idle, even if I haven’t shared anything with you. For those who are interested, I’ve posted a slideshow on YouTube. Continue reading Going 35 mm !

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Fujifilm X-E2, still a great camera !

I know that quite a few photographers criticise Fujifilm for riding the wave of retro-style cameras. Some would even go so far as to say that this is their core business and that they offer a Leica-like look for those who can’t afford a Leica. Just look at the Fujifilm X100 or the X-pro, but that would be a rather facile shortcut. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with taking inspiration from the best, is there? In 2016 I bought myself a Fujifilm X-E2. It was my ticket into the hybrid world. I don’t regret that purchase. If you’ve been following me since I started out, you’ll know that I started out on the street with this camera. It was with this camera that I got to grips with Zone Focusing. Since then I’ve fallen into the Ricoh GR(D) sphere and I use the Fujifilm X-E2 more sporadically. To tell you the truth, I now mainly use it at family gatherings or on holiday.

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OMG they moved it !

Last week, I resumed my normal routine in Saint-Denis. Since the end of June, the kids have been on holiday and I’ve been hanging around the streets less often. It’s always the same during this period, I continue to do Street Photography, but in a different way. As you may have noticed, I took a lot more photos at the beach or other places where we’d been hanging out during the holidays. Back in the charming monotonous streets of Saint-Denis, where there’s little or nothing going on… Nah, I’m kidding, I told you I’d stop going on about how boring the streets of my town are! Well, it’s true that there’s not a lot going on, but if you look around a bit and put a bit of effort into it, you can still find some interesting things.
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