Tag Archives: Behind this shot

Behind this shot : YMY

Before anyone gets on me about this photo I took on the beach last week, I’d like to say that I’m completely comfortable with it. Yes, it’s sexy and yes, it was taken with a man’s eye. Let’s go back a bit. Last Thursday I decided to take the boys to the beach. For the occasion, Nathan, a friend of Joachim’s, accompanied us as he had spent the night at our place. Our initial plan was to go to Boucan Canot in the west, as the children love this beach. Unfortunately, a strong wind and swell warning had been issued for the west coast and south of the island. The direct consequence was that the nets were not installed at Boucan and so swimming was impossible. We decided to go further south of the island to Etang Salé beach.


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Behind this shot : Bus station

This photo was taken this morning, at the Little Market bus station. I have already told you about this place and I even shared a slideshow on YouTube a few weeks ago where I said a little more about several photos taken there. This morning we had planned to go to the gym with my wife, but she also had a job interview at 8:00 am. So I had to drop the children off at school and I told her that while waiting for her, I would go to Saint-Denis to take pictures in the early morning.
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Behind this shot : red lips & white arrow

I had already told you that the sanitary situation on Reunion Island was slowly deteriorating with the first cases of the South African variant. Well, the numbers are not good and we are entitled to curfew at 10 p.m. What does it change ? Not much I have to say. It is supposed to avoid parties or family meals in the evening. No more restaurants and bars after the curfew too. Otherwise no more restrictions. It looks like a lukewarm measure to spare the economy of the island which is already badly battered by the Covid crisis. 3 large shopping malls were also closed to avoid crowded places. No problem, people go elsewhere to shop. Not sure that this is really effective … In short, nothing really changes on the island, apart from the number of people infected by the covid which is increasing.
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Behind these shots

Yes, this year is starting with a bang ! Two for the price of one. I decided to write Blogs when inspiration comes. I may not write for several weeks. It’s like Street Photography. Don’t force things. Nothing good would come of it. It must remain a pleasure. These photos were taken less than 5 minutes apart.
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The story behind the photograph

I have always criticized photo competitions because for me, photography is not a competition. I refer you to a blog written some time ago here. But besides that, I have already submitted my work for free contests where there was something to be rewarded. The bait of gain ! Of course without success. Good for me. When you do something, not for good reasons, there is no reason to be rewarded ! There are so many photos submitted in these contests that the chances of hitting the jackpot are almost nil.
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Behind this shot : Girls in a tutu

The first thing that came to my mind when I post-processed this photo is The Smiths song : Vicar in a tutu. This photo was taken in front of the church where my sister got married 12 years ago for the record. It does not make me younger … I told myself that it would be nice to see a vicar in a tutu like the two little girls. It would make an original photo ! This song is taken from the album The Queen is Dead released in 1986. Yes definitely, it does not make me younger … Even though the album is full of more famous titles, I have always had a soft spot for this song. Morrissey’s waxing lyrical and Johnny Marr’s guitar are characteristic of this bygone era.

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Behind this shot : Cartoon life

Do you remember the oldest of you Space Jam ? The movie released in 1996 where Bugs Bunny gives the answer to his Airness : Michael Jordan ? It was not the first film of its kind because in 1988 was released Who framed Roger Rabbit, a film also mixing cartoon characters with real actors. This afternoon, before picking up Joachim from school, I passed a store that asked a graphic designer from Reunion to work with them on a collection of clothes. This is Vast.
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Behind this shot : A day at the beach

This photo was taken at Boucan Canot beach. It was Wednesday and I had decided to take a day off to spend some time with the family because it was the birthday of my wife Gwen. It was early December and since we are in the southern hemisphere, it was the early beginning of summer. Some people must smile when I say that. What do you mean ? Isn’t it always summer in Reunion ? This is not completely untrue. However, we still have two distinct seasons. Southern summer and winter. There can be 10° difference between these two seasons. For the sea, the water must be at 28/29° in January and 23/24° in July. So yes, it is very hot in summer and moderately hot in winter … Continue reading Behind this shot : A day at the beach

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