I’ve been talking about Gear in my articles for several Blogs now. The thing is, I’ve written so much about Street Photography since 2016 that I sometimes feel like I’m repeating myself. A bit normal, you might say, for a Blog that is essentially focused on Street Photography. If I’ve written a lot on this subject, it’s because this Blog was a bit of a diary about my journey and my beginnings in the practice. For several years now, long before I left Aix-en-Provence, I hadn’t had much to say about Street Photography. I’ve reached a stage where I don’t really ask myself any more questions. I just take photos and that’s that. That’s probably why I talk more about Gear now.
Continue reading GEAR matters !
Tag Archives: Slideshow
No Name #1
You’ve probably already seen songs called No Name. Only on his album Roman Candle, the late songwriter Elliott Smith wrote No Name #1, No Name #2 and No Name #3! I took the liberty of imitating him, because to tell you the truth, I don’t have any ideas for titles for this Blog. About 2 months ago I started writing a Blog about my 7 years of Street Photography. I completely abandoned it when it was well advanced … That’s a sign! I tend to think of it as a kind of Freudian failure. There was probably no point in writing a blog about the 7 years I spent on the streets. To mark the occasion, I’d put together a slideshow of almost 50 photos from when I first started out. Shoo, bin!
Stuck in a moment !
I recently had a little chat about music and street photography. For those who watch my shared slideshows on YouTube, you get a taste of what I love about music. It’s basically rock, folk. I bring a lot of importance to the choice of music that accompanies my photos. For a long time, YouTube blocked my videos because of artists’ copyrights. For several months now, I have no more worries. I can’t monetize my videos, but I’m free to use whatever I want.
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Looking back to 2021 (Finally …)
Let’s start from the beginning for this Blog. I had started writing a little over a week ago and haven’t finished it. Not making a point of repeating something written, I start over from a blank sheet of paper. A bit like my work in the street at the beginning of the year … Like every year, it’s quite intimidating to start from scratch.
Continue reading Looking back to 2021 (Finally …)
November Slideshow
A quick little post to tell you that like every beginning of the month, I’m posting a fairly short slideshow of a selection of 20 photos taken the previous month. I have been working on this task for a little over a year because at the time I did not have time to share photos that were piling up on my computer. It was also an opportunity to present them in a more dynamic way with music. What has changed since I started making these slideshows is that unconsciously I began to hardly share the photos in these slideshows anywhere else. In short, I jealously guarded the photos for my slideshow of the month and only shared the photos that I considered less good in my articles.
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May 2021 slideshow
You probably don’t know it, but since August of last year, I have been sharing at the beginning of the month a slideshow of my work done the previous month. All this of course on my YouTube channel. Besides, there are a lot of photos that are found in these slideshows and nowhere else. I don’t write enough Blogs to share all of my photos. The interest of these slideshows was precisely to put them forward. Over the months, I realized that these slideshows would benefit from being rather short. Because I shared too many ordinary photos. I arrived at a narrower selection of 20 photos and I do not exclude going below …
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Fuji XF10 the GR killer ?
This is a title that hooks and that will make me multiply by 10 my number of views on this article! Rest assured, loyal readers, it will not rise very high given the confidentiality in which my Blog is … There is no point in the time spent writing all these articles. I use it a lot to keep track of my evolution as a street photographer. For 5 years now, my style has evolved a lot. What hasn’t changed much though, is the camera I use to document the streets here and elsewhere. After getting started with the Fuji XE2 | 18mm f2, I quickly switched to the Ricoh GRD4. Even though in the meantime I have also used the Ricoh GR, I can say that it is mainly the Ricoh GRD4 that I have used for more than 5 years.
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Street Photography without people
Over 99% of my photos feature people. There are several reasons for this. First of all, I discovered Street Photography like this. I had this idea that what was important was the people. Everything else was just scenery. I have often insisted on the fact that I did not feel any sort of routine in always walking the same streets indefinitely because in the end it was the people that interested me and even if the places were the same, the interactions, the gestures and the people were different. The rest mattered little or nothing to me.
Liverpool 2016 Remux
A few months ago, I recovered files lost during a hard drive crash. Among all the photos lost at the time, almost 6 months of photos including those of my stay in Liverpool. At the time I was just starting Street Photography and still used the Fuji XE2 on the streets. My style was quite different today. What has changed a lot over the past 4 years is my way of post-processing the photos. Whether in color or in Black & White, I use much less aggressive processing and above all, I no longer crop my photos.
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Cover up that bosom …
Cover up that bosom, which I can’t endure to look on : – Par de pareils objets les âmes sont blessées, -Et cela fait venir de coupables pensées.
A quick rant against YouTube. Yesterday evening I posted a slideshow of my photos taken in January. This morning, I had the unpleasant surprise to receive an email from YouTube telling me that the thumbnail of my video was censored because it violated YouTube’s policy on nudity and sex … I’ll give you the text of the mail below.
Continue reading Cover up that bosom …