Tag Archives: Family

Going 35 mm !

I’m taking advantage of this little free time to write to you from Don Mueang airport in Bangkok. It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything on this Blog and I apologise for that. You’ve even missed my usual last post of the year with my best photos of 2023! I’ll try to do a little post on that, just to show you some of my work over the last few months. I haven’t been idle, even if I haven’t shared anything with you. For those who are interested, I’ve posted a slideshow on YouTube. Continue reading Going 35 mm !

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Fujifilm X-E2, still a great camera !

I know that quite a few photographers criticise Fujifilm for riding the wave of retro-style cameras. Some would even go so far as to say that this is their core business and that they offer a Leica-like look for those who can’t afford a Leica. Just look at the Fujifilm X100 or the X-pro, but that would be a rather facile shortcut. Besides, there’s nothing wrong with taking inspiration from the best, is there? In 2016 I bought myself a Fujifilm X-E2. It was my ticket into the hybrid world. I don’t regret that purchase. If you’ve been following me since I started out, you’ll know that I started out on the street with this camera. It was with this camera that I got to grips with Zone Focusing. Since then I’ve fallen into the Ricoh GR(D) sphere and I use the Fujifilm X-E2 more sporadically. To tell you the truth, I now mainly use it at family gatherings or on holiday.

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Do you skimboard ?

Last Tuesday was a bank holiday and we decided to make one last trip to the beach at Boucan Canot to please the children and, incidentally, ourselves too ! It was an opportunity to get some fresh air before the new school year starts and also to watch the humpback whales, which are very present on our coasts at this time of year. Boucan is a beach where the seabed rises quite quickly. These large mammals are barely 100m from the beach and we were delighted to see calves jumping with their mothers.

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Holiday Part 2

I’ll just have to write blogs about my kids and their holidays. I’ve got so much more material ! With all the holidays they have, you’re guaranteed to have something to read at least every 7 weeks. They’re still on freestyle for almost 3 weeks. So you’ve got to keep them busy… As we’ve got a big trip planned for next December, for July/August we’re staying on the island. It allows us to visit the island, which is magnificent.

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Holiday Part 1

The children have officially been on holiday for a week now. Joachim has already been on holiday since mid-June … In any case, Gwen and I are also on holiday with the kids for 3 weeks (only two left after this first week). We took the opportunity to spend this first week in the west of the island. A friend was kind enough to rent us his house while he was away. The house has direct access to the beach. You should know that Réunion Island is in the southern hemisphere and that July and August mean winter here. Ok southern winter, but winter all the same…

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Reconnecting with street

My only resolution for this new year was to reconnect with the street. To enjoy taking pictures again and especially to spend more time on the street. Enzo Ferrari rightly said that to win a race, you had to start by finishing it… In Street Photography, it’s a bit the same. To do it, you have to be in the street!
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Where do I find myself

Last July was just 3 months ago, but it feels like an eternity ago. I feel like it’s been a while since I’ve done anything in Street Photography. There was a time when I complained that I came home with nothing but crap. I complained that my eyes couldn’t see anything. I used to complain that my city was boring so I could make excuses. None of that today. I can’t even complain about anything. I hardly do any photography. Well, street photography… We just spent a few days at the hotel and I took a lot of pictures. I will share some of them with you in this Blog.


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Ricoh GR3 : week 1

Since last week I decided to shoot, for a while, with the Ricoh GR3. I’ve had this camera for almost 3 years and I’ve hardly used it … It’s a little bit backwards that I’m using it, but I’m going to try to invest myself in it to get over its big flaws and try to get the best out of it. This Blog is called week 1. I will try to share my impressions with you over the next few weeks. As the holidays are approaching, it will be about Street Photography, but not only, because I have less opportunity to do it when I have the kids with me.


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Escapade in Saint-Anne

You must be thinking that I’m just furnishing this Blog by sharing some more pictures of my little family. The guy must not have enough street pictures to share anymore… To be honest, I have a lot of them lying around on my computer, but I’m just sharing these family photos because they’re topical. It’s the holidays at the moment and of course I’m spending more time with the kids. They still have a whole week to go before they go back to school. Not for long. The end of the year is approaching fast and at the end of June it will be holiday time again…


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The best of both worlds

For some time now, I have been using my Fuji xE2 more and more, which was my first hybrid digital camera. I had switched from the D200 to the Fuji. Since I had entered the Ricoh sphere, the Fuji XE2 had been put back in the wardrobe. Even for photos of my family, the GRD IV was king. I think I started using my old Fuji again because Joachim asked me to take pictures of him for his Instagram account. Like all teenagers, Joachim puts himself on display in his photos. He literally poses and I thought I could use my old Nikon lenses which are better suited for portraits. That’s how I ended up buying the 7 Artisan 35mm at f0.95

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