Tag Archives: 28 mm

A glimpse of Vietnam

1500 photos. That’s roughly the number of photos I brought back from my recent trip to Vietnam. It’s just enormous. I’m talking about the photos I processed in Lightroom. As for the number of photos I took there, multiply that figure by 5. Yes, you’re not dreaming, I must have clicked the shutter more than 7,000 times. In just one trip, my Ricoh GR3 got a bit old …

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Looking back to the year 2024

Last year I didn’t write a blog to present my work over the past year. It has to be said that we left just after Christmas to spend the last few days of the year in Thailand. We spent an incredible 15 days in Bangkok, Chiang Mai and Phuket Island. The return to everyday life was complicated. I’m talking about photography, of course. After this enchanted interlude in Thailand, Saint-Denis seemed very bland and empty… But you live where you live!

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Always the same shit

I wanted to call this blog ‘Nothing changes’. But a nod to a blog written by Stéphane Mousset a few years ago. Back in 2018. I wrote a blog in response to the photo competition organised by Fisheye and Pentax. At the time I didn’t want to take part in the competition. I refer you to my article written at the time.

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GEAR matters !

I’ve been talking about Gear in my articles for several Blogs now. The thing is, I’ve written so much about Street Photography since 2016 that I sometimes feel like I’m repeating myself. A bit normal, you might say, for a Blog that is essentially focused on Street Photography. If I’ve written a lot on this subject, it’s because this Blog was a bit of a diary about my journey and my beginnings in the practice. For several years now, long before I left Aix-en-Provence, I hadn’t had much to say about Street Photography. I’ve reached a stage where I don’t really ask myself any more questions. I just take photos and that’s that. That’s probably why I talk more about Gear now.
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Me and myself

I’ve quit Facebook and Instagram for several years now, but I’ve still managed to fall back into the ways of social networking … As you probably know, I share a few slideshows on YouTube. I had put quite a few videos online before deleting them all 2 years ago. A need to wipe the slate clean. For a few months now, I’ve been reposting a few slideshows of my work. As I don’t have the time to share my photos with my blogging frequency, it allows me to show more via YouTube. I’m on my 4th slideshow out of 2023. There’s no publishing frequency, I just do a slideshow when I’ve got a big pile of photos on my hard drive. You can check it out on my YouTube page if you like.


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OMG they moved it !

Last week, I resumed my normal routine in Saint-Denis. Since the end of June, the kids have been on holiday and I’ve been hanging around the streets less often. It’s always the same during this period, I continue to do Street Photography, but in a different way. As you may have noticed, I took a lot more photos at the beach or other places where we’d been hanging out during the holidays. Back in the charming monotonous streets of Saint-Denis, where there’s little or nothing going on… Nah, I’m kidding, I told you I’d stop going on about how boring the streets of my town are! Well, it’s true that there’s not a lot going on, but if you look around a bit and put a bit of effort into it, you can still find some interesting things.
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Do you skimboard ?

Last Tuesday was a bank holiday and we decided to make one last trip to the beach at Boucan Canot to please the children and, incidentally, ourselves too ! It was an opportunity to get some fresh air before the new school year starts and also to watch the humpback whales, which are very present on our coasts at this time of year. Boucan is a beach where the seabed rises quite quickly. These large mammals are barely 100m from the beach and we were delighted to see calves jumping with their mothers.

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Behind this shot : YMY

Before anyone gets on me about this photo I took on the beach last week, I’d like to say that I’m completely comfortable with it. Yes, it’s sexy and yes, it was taken with a man’s eye. Let’s go back a bit. Last Thursday I decided to take the boys to the beach. For the occasion, Nathan, a friend of Joachim’s, accompanied us as he had spent the night at our place. Our initial plan was to go to Boucan Canot in the west, as the children love this beach. Unfortunately, a strong wind and swell warning had been issued for the west coast and south of the island. The direct consequence was that the nets were not installed at Boucan and so swimming was impossible. We decided to go further south of the island to Etang Salé beach.


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Stop whining and shoot for the fuck’s sake !

I recently complained to Deborah Swain that the streets of Saint-Denis were dead and uninteresting. It’s always like that. When things don’t go the way you want, you have to find scapegoats. Oh yes, my camera is rather old … The streets are terribly empty … There’s nothing going on here … You know, it’s a small city compared to NYC (as if everything wasn’t small compared to NYC …) In short, all sorts of excuses that aren’t worth a damn. I’ve already written many blogs about this, but I get the impression that it’s human nature not to learn lessons (who said anything about wars?).

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Holiday Part 2

I’ll just have to write blogs about my kids and their holidays. I’ve got so much more material ! With all the holidays they have, you’re guaranteed to have something to read at least every 7 weeks. They’re still on freestyle for almost 3 weeks. So you’ve got to keep them busy… As we’ve got a big trip planned for next December, for July/August we’re staying on the island. It allows us to visit the island, which is magnificent.

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